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The JA EFFECT Widening Horizons
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
Work Readiness
When she was a child, Socheth McCutcheons family escaped Cambodia, which was under the control of the Khmer Rouge, in search of a better life in the United States. Socheths family settled in Revere, Massachusetts, near Boston. Socheth now serves as a volunteer for Junior Achievement in New Jersey. She feels it is important to pay it forward by being a role model for young people, especially...
Why JA? And Why Now? Financial Literacy as a Foundation for a Better Life
Blog from JA USA
By Ed Grocholski
Financial Literacy
At Junior Achievement, we view financial literacy as the other literacy. Just like reading or writing, we all deal with money on a near daily basis. Junior Achievement employs a pathways approach to teaching financial literacy to young people. By pathways, we mean that JA programs are designed to engage students on the subject over multiple grades, from their first days in kindergarten,...
Why JA? And Why Now? A Response to a Changing Work and Career Landscape
Blog from JA USA
By Ed Grocholski
Work Readiness
Junior Achievements proven programs are shown to inspire and prepare young people for success. Our approach is demonstrated to give students the tools they need to increase their chances of achieving their potential in work, career, and...
2022 Back-to-School Survey: One-Third of Teens Say Rising Cost of School Supplies a Concern
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
Financial Literacy
According to a new survey by Junior Achievement USA, a third of teens (33%) say that their parents or guardians are concerned about the cost of back-to-school supplies this...
JA National Student Leadership Summit 2022
Blog from JA USA
By Kelsey Matzinger
In June of 2022, 15 of Junior Achievements top student companies came to the Nations Capital to compete in the 2022 Junior Achievement National Student...
Why Work Needs Meaning
Blog from JA USA
By Jack E Kosakowski
Corporate Responsibility
Much has been made in recent months about The Great Resignation, the tendency of young workers, primarily Millennials and Generation Z, to quit their jobs to pursue higher-paying, higher growth...
The Payoff Behind Time Management
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Work Readiness
From the start of life, we learn how to prioritize daily events. From waking up to dinner time to bedtime, we become accustomed to routines. Time management, or what some may say personal management, follows the same guidelines, only we adjust our day to fit the non-routine elements better. While this soft skill benefits children of all ages in their learning, it has the long-term impact of...
Qualities and Skills that Transfer to Entrepreneurial Success
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Every parent wants their child to succeed. To find their "niche" where their personality and skills will pay off in the long run. Fortunately, there is a professional space that is full of possibility and innovation for...
Job Vacancies' Reaching an All-Time High & What it Means for Teens
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Work Readiness
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the last business day of March 2021 brought a record high of 8.1 million job openings in the United States. Among those hiring, industries including accommodation and food services, state and local government education, arts, entertainment, and recreation experiences experienced the most significant workers'...
Getting Your Child Set Up with a Bank Account
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Financial Literacy
This blog discusses how you can set your child up with his or her first bank account, the benefits, and tips for how you can establish smart financial...